Sunday 23 August 2015

Mirror Quiz

Mirror Quiz :

X (Normal) + X (Mirror Image) = Answer


2 + Mirror Image of 2 will look like a fish, 
3 + Mirror Image of 3 will look like a 8, 
7 + Mirror Image of 7 will look like a Triangle.



It is not mathematical, rather it has to do with the patterns made by the numbers in left hand side.

For example:-

2+2 = Fish

All other answers can be derived similarly. :-)

Eye Test


How many animals can u see here???

Solution : 6

Gold Ring Puzzle

Gold  Ring Puzzle:

You arrive at a hotel and have 3 sets of golden rings.
The first set of rings has 4 rings,
the second set has 2 rings and
the third only has one ring.
You cannot take these sets of rings apart,
You cannot exchange them for a different form of currency,
and the hotel clerk has no change.
You want to stay at the hotel for 7 nights,
and you have to pay one gold ring for each night that you stay.
You cannot pay in advance, or all at once at the end of your stay.

How do you pay for your 7 nights at the hotel?

You give the clerk the 1 ring on the first night(1).
On the second night you give the clerk the set of 2 rings and take back the 1 ring(2).
On the third night you give the clerk the 1 ring that you took back(2 + 1).
On the fourth, you take back the 1 ring and the set of 2 rings,
and give him the set of 4 rings in return(4).
On the fifth night, you give the clerk the 1 ring back(4 + 1).
On the sixth night, you take back the 1 ring and give him the 2 rings(4 + 2).
And on the seventh night you give him the 1 ring back(4 + 2 + 1).
Fill the Blanks and find the 10 Words from the given Clues

1. A Color : _ _ R _ L E
2. A Room in your house : _ _ T C H E _
3. Played on instruments : _ _ S _ C
4. Cover you while you sleep : B L A _ _ E T
5. Go out of Sight : D _ S A _ _ E A R
6. Eat this at the Movies : _ O _ C O R _
7. To Talk : S _ E A _
8. Apples or Oranges : F R _ _ T
9. Goes on a letter : S T A _ _
10. Part of your Finger : _ _ _ C _ L E

Solution :
1. A Color : PURPLE
2. A Room in your house : KITCHEN
3. Played on instruments : MUSIC
4. Cover you while you sleep : BLANKET
5. Go out of Sight : DISAPPEAR
6. Eat this at the Movies : POPCORN
7. To Talk : SPEAK
8. Apples or Oranges : FRUIT
9. Goes on a letter : STAMP
10. Part of your Finger : KNUCKLE

IQ Question

IQ Question:

Suppose there are 100 people standing in a circle ??. 

The first person?? has a gun?? in hand. What he has to do is shoot the second person and then pass the gun to the third person. Now, the third person kills the fourth person and gives gun to the fifth person.

This process is carried till there is only one person surviving ??.
Can you find out who survives at the end.

Solution :  73rd person

Here's the generalized formula to find the solution for N people:

Find the largest integer 'k' such that 2k≤N
The answer is then: 2∗[N−2k]+1

In this case, N = 100. The largest  integral k is 6, as 26=64, and 27=128

Thus, the answer is 2∗(100−26)+1=73, i.e. the 73rd person will be left standing

Explanation  :

This was my reasoning (there may very well be a neater solution):

It's easy to see that as long as the number of people is a multiple of 2, after a complete round, the gun will return to the person numbered "1" [i.e. 1 kills 2, then 3 kills 4, then 5 kills 6, ....... 99 kills 100 ... and the gun returns to 1]. Also, the number of people left after a round is reduced to half.

Thus, if the total number of people is a power of 2, the number of people left after each round is a multiple of 2. And hence, the last person to remain would be "1". 

With that in mind, we try to reduce the number of people (from 100) to a power of 2. What's the closest such power? 64. To get to this number, we need to kill 100-64 = 36 people.

Now, in the first round, the first 36 people to be killed would be: 2,4,6,8,....72. Thus, after 36 kills, the 73rd person would be handed over the gun.

Starting with the 73rd person (our new number "1"), we continue the game. Note that there are 64 people left now. Since this is a power of 2, the gun will keep returning to him/her after every round. Thus, (s)he would ultimately be the lone survive.

The logic, when generalized to N people, results in the formula mentioned above.

Siblings Puzzle

Can You Calculate The Number Of Siblings In The Given Family ?

In a family, there are many children. 
Every boy in the family has as many brothers as the sisters. 
However, each girl has twice number of brothers as that of sisters.

Solution : There are 7 Siblings.  (4 Boys and 3 Girls)

A swimming pool has four faucets

A swimming pool has four faucets.

They fill the pool in following times :
1. The first can fill the entire pool with water in two days,
2. The second in three days,
3. The third in four days, and
4. The last one can fill the pool in 6 hours.

How long will it take to fill the pool using all 4 faucets together?

Solution :  4 hours 43 minutes and about 17 seconds.

Since there are 24 hours in one day,
in one hour first tap fills 1/48, 
the second tap 1/72, 
the third tap 1/96 and 
the fourth tap fills 1/6 of the Pool. 
That is all together (6+4+3+48) / 288 = 61/288. 

The Pool will be full in 288/61 hours, which is 4 hours 43 minutes and about 17 seconds.

How many triangles can you count in this cat

How many Triangles can you find ?

Can you count all the Triangles ?

Count the Triangles and try to give your answers in the Comments before looking at the Answer.

Solution :  
The Number of Triangles in the Cat is 20

Swim Puzzle

A Man who doesn't know to swim was on a holiday trip and he was not wearing anything to keep him afloat.

He fell off a yacht into a deep water and the man was rescued two hours later.

Why didn't he drown?

Solution :
Man was in the Dead Sea and hence he did not drown.

As people float on dead because of extreme salty water which increases the density of Water.


MY7 VS5 EH5 M?! 

What Do ? And ! Stand For ?
Can u CRACK THE LOGIC ...???

What do '?' And '!' Stand for in M?!?

Challenge all master brains!

Solution :  M?! =MS4  (? = S and ! = 4)

These are actually the Planets of our Solar System
Mercury = MY7 (First and Last Letter and the total Number of Alphabets)
So M?! = Mars = MS4
So the answer is ? = S and ! = 4


Which way the bus is going.......Left or Right

Which way the bus is going ?
Right or Left ?

Can't you find?
Look at the picture again

Still don't know? o.O

The direction will depend on the Country the bus is in.

For Left hand Drive Countries: 
The Bus is going to the right as you cannot see the door to get in.

For Right hand Drive Countries: 
The Bus is going to the left as you cannot see the door to get in.

Find out the Highest Possible Number

Find out the Highest Possible Number, by moving only 2 Sticks !

Give your answers in the Comments before looking at the Answer given here.

Solution :  511108

Remove the upper and lower Stick of the Zero and place them vertically between the Two 1's formed after removing the sticks of Zero.

A Lot of Thought

A Lot of Thought

What is the number of the parking space containing the car ?

Solution : 87

The Number of the Parking space is 87 by seeing the 180 degree rotated picture



January = 101025
February = 6525
March = 13188
April = 1912
May = 13125
June = 10215
July = ?

Solution : 102125

First letter count in the alphabet is first digit 
i.e. J = 10

Last letter count in the alphabet is first digit 
i.e. Y = 25

Now see this logic
January -- First Vowel  is 'a' so middle digit is 1 (but repeated so 10)
February -- First Vowel  is 'e' so middle digit is 5
March -- First Vowel  is 'a' so middle digit is 1
April -- First Vowel  is 'i' so middle digit is 9
May -- First Vowel  is 'a' so middle digit is 1
June -- First Vowel  is 'u' so middle digit is 21

July -- First vowel is u so middle digit is 21

Hence number for July is 102125

Trapped Room Riddle...How do you get out

Trapped Room Riddle...How do you get out?

You are trapped in a room in broad daylight having two connecting doors, one on each side of the room.  One door opens to a fire breathing dragon that will burn anything that enters his room.
The other door opens to a room with magnifying glasses pointing in every direction and the sunlight will burn you through the magnifying glasses.

How do you get out?

Solution :

Wait for the sun-set and then go through the magnifying glasses room.

IAS Mindbender Question

IAS Mindbender Question:

Only 2 % could solve this Question

What is 3/7 Chicken, 2/3 Cat and 1/2 Goat... ?

Only genius can solve this Mindbender !!!

Solution:  CHICAGO

3/7 - CHI
2/3 - CA
1/2 - GO

Find the number for September

Find the number for 'September'  = ?

Solution: September = 993 

9 - September 
9 - 9th Month 
3 - No. of Vowels in September

What is the password

What is the password???

On 28th Feb, 2012 (Tuesday) a robber went to rob a bank.

He threatened to kill the cashier if he didn't open the vault.

The cashier told that the vault is not opened with keys like in old days but by a password.

You can't kill me since I am the only one who knows the password
and everyday the password is different.

The robber shot the cashier, entered the password, opened the vault and robbed all the money.

What is the password???

The Cashier says, The password is "Different"

Count the number of triangles in the following image

Count the number of triangles in the following image : 

Solution: 92

How many pencils in the image

How many pencils in the image ? 

Solution:  72

Chain Making Puzzle

Chain Making Puzzle:

There are 5 metal rings...

I want to join them and make a chain as shown in the image.

It involves cutting and welding(joining) the metal rings.

Cutting the ring cost Rs10/- for each cut.
Welding the ring cost Rs20/- for each join.

What is the minimum cost to make the chain ?


The minimum cost is Rs.60

We only need to cut and weld the 2nd and 4th ring.
So cutting cost Rs.10 = 2 x 10 = Rs.20
Welding cost Rs.20 = 2 x 20 = Rs.40

Hence Total cost = 20+40 = Rs.60