Tuesday 23 June 2015

Guess the Word Riddle

Guess the Word Riddle:

I am a 11 letter word.
My 8,9,1,11 letters represent the residence.
7,2,9,5 is the place where we can swim
1,4,5,11 is a unit of distance
10,9,3,6,5 is an international prize
2,9 letters are same
6,11 letters are same


My 8,9,1,11 letters represent the residence: “HOME”
7,2,9,5 is the place where we can swim: “POOL”
1,4,5,11 is a unit of distance: “MILE”
10,9,3,6,5 is an international prize: “NOBEL”
2,9 letters are same: “O”
6,11 letters are same: “E”

1 M
2 O
3 B
4 I
5 L
6 E
7 P
8 H
9 O
10 N
11 E

The Answer is “MOBILEPHONE”

Thursday 18 June 2015

Brick Question

Very Easy but Tricky IIM Question :

Question :
One brick is one kilogram and half a brick heavy.
What is the weight of one brick?

There is an easy equation which can help:
1 brick = 1 kg + 1/2 brick

And so 1 brick is 2 kg heavy.

Fruit Maths

Can You Solve This Fruit Math Equation?

Solution :   21

Answer with Explanation :
Lets say Apple, Grapes and Banana represented as A,G and B respectively.
Then by the given data :
Equation 1: A = 7
Equation 2: G = 5 + A
Equation 3: A =  1 + 3B
Equation 4: A + G + B = ?

Explanation :
From Equation 1: 
A = 7

From Equation 2: 
G = 5 + A
G = 5 + 7
G = 12

From Equation 3: 
A = 1 + 3B
7=1 + 3B
7-1 = 3B

From Equation 4: 
A + G + B = ?
7 + 12+ 2 = 21

Answer:   21

Apple + Grapes + Banana = ?
7 + 12+ 2 = 21

Find out the weight of the rabbit, cat and dog from the below picture, Give me answer of this question?

Find out the weight of the rabbit, cat and dog from the below picture

Give me answer of this question?

Solution: 27 kg

Dog , Cat and Rabbit Puzzle 
Give me answer of this question ?
Cat + Rabbit = 10 kg
Dog + Rabbit = 20 kg
Dog + Cat = 24 kg
Dog + Cat + Rabbit  = ?? kg

Answer with Explanation :
Lets say rabbit, cat and dog’s weight are R,C and D respectively.
Then by the given data :
Equation 1: R + C = 10
Equation 2: D + R = 20
Equation 3: C + D = 24
Now we need to find the value of C + R + D
On adding Equation 1,2 and 3
2R + 2C + 2D = 54
R + C + D = 27

Hence Weight of Rabbit + Cat + Dog = 27 kg